
Saturday, March 31, 2012

I am OHMazing!

Elizabeth Reese, PhD

A major facet of Pantajali’s Yoga Sutra is an eight-limbed path that forms the structural framework for most yoga practices. These theories and practices also form the foundation of Yogiños: Yoga for Youth®. Using the 8 limbs of yoga not only teaches youth to have respect and awareness for self, others and the environment, but also encourages participants and families to weave yoga into their daily lives both on and off the yoga mat.

In brief, the Eight Limbs, or paths of yoga, are as follows:
Yamas: good choices toward YOU 
(There are 5 Yamas.)
Niyamas: good choices for ME
 (There are 5 Niyamas.)
Asana: body postures
Pranayama: breathing exercises and control of breath
Pratyahara: control of the senses
Dharana: concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness
Dhyana: devotion, meditation on the Divine
Samadhi: union with the Divine

For simplification, we call practicing the Eight Limbs of yoga on and off your mat being OHMazing!” We teach youth and families this powerful philosophical concept by defining OM as all things are interconnected, or, as stated in the first verse of the Upanishads, all is OM. We then discuss the meaning of amazing: cool, super cool, really great, and so on. From here we share that when we make “super cool” and positive choices being mindful that all things—including us!—are interconnected, that is OHMazing.

During Yogiños classes we discuss that as humans we are OHMazing, along with the fact that we must consciously practice making OHMazing choices. When we make amazing choices for ourselves, others and the environment, that is OHMazing!

Kids are encouraged to cultivate their light by exclaiming, “I am OHMazing!” Youth offer friends and classmates support by cheering on one another with “you are OHMazing!” We share and practice how working together is important, high-fiving after a partner or group pose exclaiming, “somos” (“we are” in Spanish) OHMazing!

While we incorporate the 8 Limbs and OHMazing into every class, participants also are prompted to reflect and respond on the positive ways they help themselves, others and the Earth at home, during school, in sports, with friends and in other spaces and places. Our short film, Remy’s OHMazing Day, illustrates some of the OHMazing choices youth can make every day. This video also is available in Spanish.

This article was originally posted on Elephant Journal.

Elizabeth “Beth” Reese, Ph.D., E-RYT, RCYT, is the founder and executive director of Yogiños: Yoga for Youth®. A yoga practitioner for over 13 years, Beth is the mother of three OHMazing yogis under the age of 13. Her oldest daughter, Jordan, is part of the inspiration for Yogiños: Yoga for Youth® as she learned to navigate challenges associated with Sensory-Integration “Disorder” through practicing all 8 Limb yoga.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Yoga Room Management

Teaching 60 students at a school can be more successful
when the kids know what is expected of them. Here they demonstrate
Mariposa/Butterfly/Bassha Konasana with Flower Power
breath to start each class.
by Elizabeth Reese, PhD

Having a solid plan—as well as a back-up plan or two—is a critical component to teaching yoga in any environment. Some of the places we teach our classes include in school classrooms, yoga studios, after-school programs, art museums, libraries, festivals, conferences and more. While things like weather, holidays, testing and nutrition can affect the energy of your kids and space, developing some consistent practices is highly beneficial.

Preschoolers find Mariposa Dormida/
Sleeping Butterfly/Supta Baddha Konasana
near the end of class as part of a consistent routine.

Here are a few tips to keep handy and practice:
  • Be warm and helpful to the teachers and staff where you teach.
  • Use eye contact. Speak with confidence.
  • When you see a parent, always approach him/her with confidence and introduce yourself.
  • Establish rules at beginning of every class for at least a month: eyes and ears open, use kind hands and words, stay on your mat; 
  • Instructions: short and precise. Remember that kids hear the LAST thing you say so be aware of your order. Don’t run in the street = …run in the street. Stay on the sidewalk = …on the sidewalk.
  • Know you "chaos level": acceptable energy, movement and sound levels vary from teacher to teacher. I suggest knowing yours and planning accordingly.
  • Establish a routine at every site. For example, at a pre-school we do this EVERY week: socks and shoes off with socks tucked in shoes and lined up neatly (that’s an OHMazing™ choice); sit with mat; when I call your name bring your mat; unroll where I invite; sit in mariposa/mariposa dormida so I know you’re ready. Closing is similar.
  • Wear comfortable but yoga-professional attire.
  • Be prepared and flexible. Arrive early to set up; have time to clean up so you are not hurried.
  • Use positive reinforcement instead of critical language or “that’s wrong.” If I have a child who wants to do other poses, I might say, “Tom, WE are in boat pose. Please join us.” I praise the kids who are following directions and try to give them my attention.
  • Change the  tone of your voice to get attention: when their voices get louder, I purposefully get softer.
  • A sense of humor goes a loooong way.
  • Have fun. ;-)

    Elizabeth “Beth” Reese, Ph.D., E-RYT, RCYT, is the founder and executive director of Yogiños: Yoga for Youth®. A yoga practitioner for over 13 years, Beth is the mother of three OHMazing yogis under the age of 13. Her oldest daughter, Jordan, is part of the inspiration for Yogiños: Yoga for Youth® as she learned to navigate challenges associated with Sensory-Integration “Disorder” through practicing all 8 Limbs of yoga.