Elizabeth Reese, PhD
A major facet of Pantajali’s Yoga Sutra is an eight-limbed path that forms the structural framework for most yoga practices. These theories and practices also form the foundation of Yogiños: Yoga for Youth®. Using the 8 limbs of yoga not only teaches youth to have respect and awareness for self, others and the environment, but also encourages participants and families to weave yoga into their daily lives both on and off the yoga mat.
In brief, the Eight Limbs, or paths of yoga, are as follows:
Yamas: good choices toward YOU (There are 5 Yamas.)
Niyamas: good choices for ME (There are 5 Niyamas.)
Asana: body postures
Pranayama: breathing exercises and control of breath
Pratyahara: control of the senses
Dharana: concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness
Dhyana: devotion, meditation on the Divine
Samadhi: union with the Divine
For simplification, we call practicing the Eight Limbs of yoga on and off your mat being

During Yogiños classes we discuss that as humans we are OHMazing, along with the fact that we must consciously practice making OHMazing choices. When we make amazing choices for ourselves, others and the environment, that is OHMazing!
Kids are encouraged to cultivate their light by exclaiming, “I am OHMazing!” Youth offer friends and classmates support by cheering on one another with “you are OHMazing!” We share and practice how working together is important, high-fiving after a partner or group pose exclaiming, “somos” (“we are” in Spanish) OHMazing!

This article was originally posted on Elephant Journal.
Elizabeth “Beth” Reese, Ph.D., E-RYT, RCYT, is the founder and executive director of Yogiños: Yoga for Youth®. A yoga practitioner for over 13 years, Beth is the mother of three OHMazing yogis under the age of 13. Her oldest daughter, Jordan, is part of the inspiration for Yogiños: Yoga for Youth® as she learned to navigate challenges associated with Sensory-Integration “Disorder” through practicing all 8 Limb yoga. elizabeth@yoginos.com