Another OHMazing™ Journey
by guest OHMusings blogger Melissa Smith
Anyone willing to go back to their teen years for a do-over? I didn't think so. Those junior high and high school days for me were challenging as I tried to navigate the popularity food chain, figure out if I was good enough to make "this" team or fit in with "that" group. I put on a confident front but inside, I was often filled with self doubt. I think most kids (and adults) are like that, afraid to step out and rock the boat, be unique or a leader. One thing that was a constant growing up: I had someone in my life who told me repeatedly, almost daily, how beautiful I was and how I could accomplish anything I set my mind to.
My 3rd season with a group of high schoolers to train and mentor them through yoga brings another opportunity to hold up a mirror for them to see how beautiful they already are. These special kids each with their own unique set of hardships, were nominated by a teacher to participate in the program with end goal of completing a half marathon in 6 months. I started yoga with them in the off season the first year and by the second season, we incorporated yoga post run and witnessed kids who normally wouldn't sit still begin to see how it improved their breath, flexibility and offered them a sense of calm.
At our first coaches meeting this year, we were asked to write down a phrase that
encouraged us. I chose this mantra to share with them: "You are beautiful, Yes, I'm talking to you!" Inspired by the signs tacked on sacred trees in a temple in Thailand this summer, the Buddhist monks use these messages or mantras as a form of meditation. A mantra can be a word, phrase, sound or even yoga Sutra that is repeated to invoke inner strength and power. It simply allows your best, Truest self to shine.
The Sanskrit word mantra comes from "manas", meaning mind. And, "trai" which means, "to protect" or "free from". Literally meaning "to free from the mind." It's a tool for our minds to liberate us from that self doubt and propel us to places we never thought we were "good enough" for or even dreamed possible.
What mantra have you incorporated in your life that stirs your soul or reveals your beauty? Can you empower a child in your life with one? This gift of mantra is far better than a do-over, it ripples into the lives of our youth here and now.
Melissa Smith, traveler, mentor, momma, acroyoga-fairy and 500 RYT
200 RYT from Inspyrayoga in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2005 where Melissa specialized in pre/post natal for over 3 years. Moving back to the US, Melissa's grown in her practice and training by earning her 500 RYT and blogging about her experiences as a student and teacher. She leads teacher trainings for Leeann Carey YaapanaYoga (200 and 300 hour), specializing Prenatal and Partner Practice. Extending gratitude and appreciation for her teachers & influences including: Leeann Carey (Yaapana Yoga, California), Chrys Kub (Yoga Therapy, North Carolina), Sadhvi Abha (Kriya, India), Judith Lasater (Anatomy, California), Lance Schuler (Hatha, Australia), Stephanie Adams (mentor, Oregon), Jennifer Yarro (Thai Yoga Massage, Massachusetts), Elizabeth Reese (Yoginos for Yoth, Texas) and Mandy Eubanks (Anusara, Texas).
Melissa Smith
Leeann Carey Yoga
http://www.leeanncareyyoga. com/ LeeannCareyYoga
Grace Yoga & Pilates
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Facebook: 27qk3hf
Leeann Carey Yoga
Grace Yoga & Pilates
Blog: http://graceyoga-live-
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―Oscar Wilde
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